Tom Fox: Sun 27th Jul. 2014
This Sunday was very special here at Acoustic London. We met Tom Fox from Vulpestruments, who shared with us his wonderful and rather ingenious creations. Click here to see all the videos, and hear all the sounds!
Browse through our Youtube Playlist for a summary of all the instruments presented.
At the core of this visually-stunning instrument is the pickup coil. This beautiful structure is essentially a transformer, being used here to pickup the changing magnetic field of the stretched steel springs.
There is definitely a certain aesthetic to how these instruments are made. It is just pure eye candy! And regarding craftsmanship, there is a meticulous level of attention to some details, and some rather simple and unique solutions to making instruments such as using brackets and bolts to mount strings.
Here demonstrated is the ceremony of christening and welcoming a new member to the group. Inspired by the old string telephone trick, the same principle can be applied to listening to things such as our favorite of all blades – the circular saw blade. You can hear what they’re hearing if you listen through our soundcloud playlist.
Because you’ve reached near the end of the post, you’ll get a little news treat. We’re currently working on a collaborative project, and part of a new plan, there are ideas for a make day. It won’t be a day, more like few hours, where we present big ideas in small packages. The design of the ideas will be from combination of other artists, instrument makers and ours. We’ll hopefully arrange these soon.
For now, stay tuned, and enjoy the videos. Any queries,