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Slinkies: Sun 22nd Feb. 2015

This meetup, we experimented with the sound of Slinkies [ Thanks to Faraz ]. It is amazing such alien, other-worldly sounds can be obtained from such otherwise ordinary object. 


We recorded the sound of the slinkies using our frame construction, and the piezo setup we’ve designed last year. The sound at the meetup was absolutely enlightening. You can hear some excerpts what it sounded like from the Soundcloud player above.

Lucia on the other hand experiments with making high frequency musical Arcs, possible by use of high voltage driver and flyback transformer! Head over to Feathercurl’s channel ( feathercurls on Youtube ) to see more wacky sound projects, and be careful not to get electrocuted – High voltage can teleport from the screen into your brain. 

book_physics of musical instrumentsThe Physics of Musical Instruments by Neville H. Fletcher and Thomas Rossing may be something worth investing into. 

piezo‘Addressed to readers with a reasonable grasp of physics who are not put off by a little mathematics, this book discusses most of the traditional instruments currently in use in Western music.’ can be obtained from Amazon.






Finally, here are some more photographs of this evening.




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